Best Simple Ways To Hold Your Self From Tears

It’s a normal thing to do, crying is inherent to all people as a physiological reaction we can’t easily control. Although, there might be reasons for you to old back tears just to hide your feeling for the moment, mostly while in public.

Don’t be embarrassed when you find yourself crying in reaction to stress, irritation of the eye or when you remember the past. You are free to do what is natural, emotionally. Several research have proven that the benefit of letting out the tears freely is much more than that of holding it.

According to myshrink counseling theory; the number one reason for pain and suffering is a closed heart. Therefore, tears help to open our hearts.

 Note that, this article is only to be used, peradventure the need be for you to old back your tears as explained in the first paragraph.

Reason abounds for you to hold back tears: Like, to be afraid of being tagged a weak fellow as you are unable to cope with some challenges, even while everyone else around you sharing same experience seem to tough things out. The following tips will bail you out!

Pinch yourself.

Slightly pinch yourself to call out the pain impulse which will help you not to cry at the wrong moment. You can as well try to bite your lips or tongue.
